Classes Explained


What to expect in FUNDAMENTALS class.

Our fundamentals class is the perfect place to start your journey into Jiu Jitsu. The class will start with a good warm-up involving an introduction to the key movements in Jiu Jitsu. An introduction to fundamental techniques and basic positions. A chance to try some of the techniques learned with a little bit of resistance from our partner. Safety is our biggest concern here. We want you to feel safe and comfortable at all times. We hope that you will choose Jiu jitsu as a life long pursuit and this class is aimed at being the perfect foundation for your journey. 

We also welcome more experienced practitioners to this class. Both as an opportunity to help out with newer members as well as to increase knowledge of the key positions in Jiu Jitsu. Whilst we hope most people will end up owning a Gi and wearing one during this class it is not essential. If you feel more comfortable in no gi clothing or gym clothes that is absolutely fine as long as zips/ pockets etc don't present a risk to other members. All techniques will be shown with both Gi and No gi grip options. Most importantly, bring a water bottle, a smile and a positive attitude.


What to expect in a Jiu jitsu class. 

A relevant warm up with positional jiu jitsu related movements. We will normally spend about a month on a certain theme such as a certain positional area/ submission. We will be covering the most up to date and relevant Jiu jitsu techniques.  A growth mindset means everything to us. old school and new school techniques all have a home at Yama. We will then have an opportunity to “pressure test” our position or technique against a resisting opponent. We will then put the timer on and finish with some normal sparring rounds. At Yama we are big on sport psychology and if training is going well for you that day we will not be the ones to stop you. By being a sole Jiu jitsu facility we don't have to make way of the mat for the next class to start giving us plenty of time to get some quality training in. 


Open Mat

The timer will be on and so will the coffee machine! This is a great opportunity to get some extra rounds in and work on any individual aspects of your game that you are trying to develop.